Luxury Cadbury Chocolate Bouquet
This Cadbury Bouquet is packed full of all your favourites. With 24 bars of chocolate and a box of Milk Tray, this is sure not to disappoint!
Includes a selection of Cadbury’s Caramel, Dairy Milk, Dairy Milk Oreo, Boost, Crunchie, Double Decker, Wispa, Wispa Gold, Twirl and Flake. **
This bouquet comes complete with cellophane and tissue paper decoration and a coordinating grosgrain ribbon bow. All of the chocolate bars are secured without any damage to the chocolate bars themselves and are easily removable. *
Available in lots of colours, please select from the menu. Box and tissue paper will be coordinated.
Please note that the this bouquet only comes gift wrapped with cellophane/pull bow for collection only.
Collection from Measham is free from Pretty Little Parties, 47 High Street, Measham, DE12 7HR.
*Please note that small children should be supervised at all times when removing the chocolate bars due to the sharp wooden skewers.
**above items subject to stock. We reserve the right to substitute any of the above chocolate items/packaging if out of stock for something of equal or higher value.